A prayer for the second Mothering Sunday in the pandemic
Mothering God, we thank you that we are all tucked under the wing of Jesus the mother hen.
We pray for anyone who finds Mothering Sunday / Mothers’ Day difficult for whatever reason – give them rest.
We miss the mother-figures we have lost or become separated from in the past year – keep them safe and let them know that you love them.
Help us properly thank everyone who has ‘mothered’ us during the pandemic – at home, at school, in the NHS, in social care, in care homes, in food provision. This ‘mothering’ work is undervalued and poorly rewarded – may the people doing it know that they are doing your work. May your Spirit help us to demand and build a society where those people are properly valued. Instead of a bunch of flowers once a year, or a round of applause once a week sometime long gone, let them have true practical recognition – a sharing of the mothering tasks in our homes and decent wages for their work in society.
Picture: Bernhard Falkinger from Pixabay