What’s been happening lately? News from the Elders.
We were saddened to learn that Cumbria Boxes of Hope have had to stop their wonderful work because of the exorbitant costs now involved. We hope that some way might be found so that they can operate again in the future. This year, however, the Salvation Army are happy to receive donations for their children’s Christmas appeal.
We continue our search for comfortable, easy to handle-and-store furniture for the worship space. If you have seen and sat on anything you think might be suitable, please let us know. We also really need someone to help move furniture and do general housekeeping duties. Again if you have any ideas, please let one of the elders know.
We are looking forward to the arrival of Kevin Huggett, our Outreach Worker. He will start work on Monday 4 September and his welcome service will be on Monday 11 September at 5.00 pm. There will be a hot supperafter the service. To help the planning, would you please let Jenny know if you wish to attend just the worship or the worship and supper. Also, if you are vegetarian or have particular food needs, let Jenny know and we will try to accommodate them.
We have received our bronze eco-church plaque from Revd Lucy Foster and it is now displayed in the entrance hall. We are very grateful to John Mullen for his beautiful bird boxes and bug hotels; thank you, John! Lucy will be leading worship in October and after that, work will begin on the silver award. If you would like to be involved please contact one of the elders. A small group tidied our site recently. Many thanks to all those involved.
On Sunday 27 August we will hold our quarterly church meeting after morning worship. Our annual church meeting will be on Wednesday 4 October (probably at 11.00 am), to be followed by lunch.

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