Cumbria Deputy Chief Constable Stuart Hyde
will address Cumbria Interfaith Forum on Wednesday 1 February 2012 at 5.45 for 6pm
in the Caldbeck Room of the Conference Centre at Newton Rigg College, Penrith CA11 0AH
“Cumbria is a diverse county and our towns and villages include a number of different faith groups in their make up. It is important that we reach out to as many of these faith groups as possible and understand the needs of the various cultures and groups that form part of our local communities in order for us to build trust and confidence in policing and also to best meet the needs of the people we serve. I recently hosted an online interfaith web chat involving representatives from a range of faiths and beliefs as well as Constabulary staff and members of the public. A number of really interesting issues were discussed and I hope that some of the ideas from these conversations will be developed further in the near future.”
Cumbria Inter-faith Forum enables interfaith dialogue and networking in Cumbria.
There is opportunity during all our meetings to network and to give details of forthcoming events.
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Cameron Butland, Secretary