Protecting God,
We bring our anger to you today.
We are fed up with women and girls being abused, harassed and killed. And being blamed for what others do to them.
We remember that Jesus hung out with all kinds of women and honours us. He treats us with respect and speaks out in our defence. When we tell him what we need and cry out to him for help he listens to us and responds with love. When men threw foul words and picked up rocks to batter us with violence, he stopped them and sent them away ashamed. We ate with him, challenged him, made his ministry possible and stayed with him to his death, his resurrection and beyond. Thank you.
In the name of Jesus then, we pray that every woman and girl in our community know that she is, we are, wonderfully made in your image. And are deeply, deeply loved – more than we can imagine.
We ask your Spirit to work on the hearts and consciences of everyone in society to reject abuse and violence.
Help us build a Jesus-society where women and girls are respected, listened to and believed. A Jesus-society where we are safe – in our homes, on our streets, in our schools and in our workplaces, safe to flourish and be the wonderful people you made us to be.
We thank you for Springfield in Kendal supporting people abused by the those closest to them. Give them strength, courage and meaningful resources to do their work.
Finally turn our anger into your hope – because this violence is not inevitable, violence is a choice that people can reject. And it has no place in your kingdom.