You are invited to a Special Sunday Service
at on Sunday 20th at Kendal Unitarian Chapel
to celebrate the first Lakes International Comic Art Festival
Join cartoonist, John Pickering, as he opens his cosmic comic to look
at the healing power of humour and that the pen is always mightier than the sword.
Whether it’s “The Gospel According to Peanuts” or “The Zen of Ben”, cartoons have been, and are,
affirmations of human creative freedom that have crossed faith and cultural boundaries.
John will be joining the dots and drawing lines of thought to
the Far Side of spirituality and the omnipresent Cartooniverse that surrounds us.
You are most welcome to join us in this unique exploration into creative space!
If you have a comic, cartoon or annual that you like, do bring it along – if not, just bring yourself.
Please do pass this on to any friends who may like to join us for this special event!