‘Celebrating Creation’ year launches in Morecambe!
The Diocese of Lancaster Faith and Justice Commission plan 12 months of focused activity and prayer throughout Lancashire and Cumbria celebrating the richness of Creation. Two are listed below.
Living in and defending Creation: what can we do and why should we?
Conference plus workshops
15th October 10am to 3.30pm
University Chaplaincy Centre Lancaster
Speakers are
Kathy Galloway, Director Christian Aid Scotland, member of Iona Community and writer; and
Maria Elena Arana, CAFOD Campaigns Manager
Suggested donation waged £5 unwaged £3
Hot drinks available but please bring packed lunch
Registration from 9.30am
Waterproofing Development?
10.45am Saturday 19th November 2011
Parish Centre of Holy Trinity & St George Catholic Church, New Road, Kendal LA9 4BW
Speaker: Daniel Hale from Progressio, at 11am followed by lunch
For booking or more information contact Margaret McSherry, Administrator, Lancaster Diocesan Faith & Justice Commission, St Bernadette’s Parish House, Bowerham Road, Lancaster LA1 4HT
01524 383081 or 0786 401 2385 or email: lfjc@talktalk.net