UNA-UK AGM on 21st April 2012

Dear Friends,
Please be advised that the 18th Annual General Meeting of the United Nations Association of Great Britain and Northern will be held at 2pm on Saturday 21 April in The Committee Room of the Farmers Club, 3 Whitehall Court, London, SW1A 2EL. Tea and coffee will be served from 1.45pm. All paid-up and honorary members of the Association have the right to attend and vote. Every paid-up and honorary member of the Association who is unable to attend has the right to appoint another person as his or her proxy. The proxy form will shortly be available from the website or in hard copy on request from Hayley Richardson. All proxy voting forms must be received no later than 2pm on 19 April 2012 and sent to:
Carol Hodson, Company Secretary, UNA-UK, 3 Whitehall Court, London SW1A 2EL.
This meeting provides UNA-UK members with the opportunity to raise topic suggestions on domestic matters of management and governance only. Policy proposals should be raised at the 2013 Policy Conference via the Procedure Committee. Members who wish to submit a topic for the AGM must have five other members to support their suggestion, with the topic and details of the supporting members to be received no later than 9 March 2012, and sent to Carol Hodson on the details above. Submissions by post should be sent in an envelope clearly marked with ‘Topics for AGM’.
Nominations are also now open for the 2012 Awards for Distinguished Service, which will be presented at the AGM on 21 April 2012. The committees of all UNA-UK Nations and Regions are invited to make nominations for these awards, which must include a citation of no more than 300 words on why the person has been nominated, and must be signed by two officers of the regional or national committee in question. If there is no regional committee in your area then two branch officers should sign the citation. These must be sent to Carol Hodson on the above details, and received no later than 30 March 2012.
The new United Nations Association-UK company, as agreed at the General Meeting on 24 November 2011, is applying for charitable status. If successful, four directors, each from a specific area of England, will need to be elected to the new company’s Board, which has decided to proceed with elections while the application is in process. (There are separate arrangements in place for Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.) The nomination form can be found here: www.una.org.uk/director-nomination-form The deadline for receipt of nominations, to be sent to Carol Hodson on the above details, is no later than 5 March 2012. The nominated candidates and director voting forms will be available on the website on 12 March 2012 and all votes must be forwarded to Carol Hodson by 12 April 2012. The result of this ballot will be announced at the AGM on 21 April 2012.
Further information on the AGM, the AGM topic submission, the 2012 Awards for Distinguished Service and the election of English geographic directors to the new company can be found here: www.una.org.uk/board and in the Spring 2012 issue of New World. Should you require any hard copies of these documents please contact Hayley Richardson on 020 7766 3454 on richardson@una.org.uk.
If you have any queries about the process for submitting topics, Distinguished Service Awards, the election of directors to the Board of the new charity or the AGM please contact Carol Hodson on 020 7766 3455 or hodson@una.org.uk.
Best wishes,
Hayley Richardson
Administrative Assistant
United Nations Association of the UK
3 Whitehall Court, London SW1A 2EL
t. +44 (0) 20 7766 3454
f. +44 (0) 20 7930 5893
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